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New research brings unexpected findings each year. The progress made in treatment and diagnosis during the last decade has been greater than that made over the past 100 years. It is therefore a sensible idea to maintain control of a disease that tomorrow may be curable.

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TESTIMONIALS - Kisha M. Davis, continued...

We were approaching Christmas and I was very far from being in a festive mood. I had started to question God as to why these things were happening to me. My mother called me one night and she said she had been praying. She could feel my hurt but more so she could feel me distancing myself from God. She recalled how at my appointments and after them I kept on focusing on the negative. I had begun to speak negativity into every aspect of my daily life. She started ministering to me and advised me on changing my way of thinking. I had not considered that I was into my 17th year teaching. I had not considered that I had a daughter that was a straight “A” student and approaching her senior year in high school. I had not considered the lives that I had an impact on through my zumba instruction throughout the city. I had not considered all the many blessings that had been bestowed upon me. The normalcy in my life had only changed because of my thinking. She gave me the book “I Declare” by Joel Osteen. I gradually got back to doing things that made me happy. I had not stopped living, but I was not enjoying life and all those wonderful things that I do daily. This book revitalized my way of thinking. It reminded me of the ultimate power that God gives us; to trust in Him. Our flesh may experience fear, anger, anxiety and even pain. Regardless, HE is in control. I had lost sight of that by allowing my flesh to control my spirit. What I had stopped doing was allowing God to be in control. When the dermatologist advised me to continue doing what I had been doing, that meant I had to go back to trusting God. I tried my best to resume life as I knew it before December 6, 2012.  There were some changes that I made and being more proactive on taking a stance against my Lupus was one of them. I joined a wonderful support group Beautiful Butterflies, where I gained so much insight into living with Lupus. The responses and dialogue is far more valuable to me because it provides me so much encouragement. I did consult with my primary physician in January. From that point, he made the referral to a rheumatologist. I have been on Plaquenil since mid-May. I continue to live everyday with God leading my steps and knowing that he will not bring me to anything that I cannot handle. I review my daily declarations whenever I feel doubt arising. I feel that sharing my story with others strengthens me. I want others to look at obstacles as being stepping stones into their faith. I had lost mine, but looking back now I know it was only a test.

I do not know what the future holds and how progressive my lupus will be. I treat every day like an opportunity to bless someone else. Despite some days when I don’t feel my best; I press on and give praise to God for showing me how he works in my life. I have truly received so many blessings as a result of my diagnosis.  I still teach my Zumba classes, proudly. When I dance I think about all the many things I am thankful for! 

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